Tuesday 17 July 2012

SPOTTED: Idiot flailing for buses as they heartlessly pass her by

Took like 1.5 hours to get home from EAFIT when it usually takes like 15 minutes by taxi. Tried to go home by a different route today, which involved taking 2 buses. Bloody hell, how exactly do people know where to board the bus!?

There is something un-random about this randomness that I do not get. 

I must have missed at least 5 of them while walking down the street flagging hopelessly. Until this dude chuckled and pointed me down the street, and still he was wrong, it was the wrong 'bus stop' (= crowd of people). So I walked some more till the next crowd of people and finally got onto the bus. Gosh might as well have walked home! 

Did I mention Colombians are insane? Work starts at 8 and school starts at 6. Holy. 

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