Saturday 30 June 2012

Day 2: Glimpse of the Medellín city!

28 June, Thursday 

Induction today consisted of sharing about one another's countries!!

Latin Dancing! 
Needless to say, the Singapore/London culture could not have been more different from the Mexican/Brazilian/Peruvian cultures. Latin culture is really interesting, with a myriad of foods and sceneries and buildings (Peruvian pyramids to Brazilian football stadiums) and cláro, latin dances! Such a variety - Salsa, Samba, Tango, etc! All the swinging of hips and shuffling of feet - I must learn some of these dances! Totally inspired by the live demonstrations by my very suave colleagues .

Amidst my presentation, there were cheers and request for a Singapore dance. What!? The only dance of significance I can think of is the Lion Dance really.

In the afternoon, we went on a short tour of the city! My first time on the Metro! I was literally bounding up on it like a kid. Also, I get incessant inquisitive stares just about everywhere I go. I am like a living specimen of Asian colour for the Colombian people. Hmm if I manage to shake off that discomfort, it really is an honor. (only half-joking!) I hope I represented Asians well. Perhaps in time I will respond by an amused stare instead of averting eye contact and grabbing my ostentatious red bag protectively around my hips.


In love with Colombian skies and clouds

The estacíon near EAFIT!


Because Medellín's a city in a valley surrounded by mountains, many
houses are situated on the slopes of the hills

Joáo (ha funny typical expression!) and Alicia (from Mexico!)

Universidad Antioquia (another university)

Imagine studying on a campus like this
And it just gets better.
Walked around the fountain, and guess what - A rainbow!

A museum within the campus, cool stuff. Our 'tour guide', Alejandro
who has been conducting the induction lessons and who studies in this uni 

The lift up to the station

Botanic Gardens! 

Locals chilling and playing music and selling stuff

Roofed to block sunlight in order to grow delicate Orchids 

This restaurant grows its own vegetables and herbs O.O

Downtown Medellín! (City Centre) 

The bustle of people downtown is amazing! Stalls selling food, shoes, toys; boys carrying trays of sugar cane juices walking up and down the street - it was amazing! I wanted to take more photos but Alejandro instructed me to keep my phone zipped up in my bag the moment we stepped out of the station hmm. Feeling severely dissatisfied hm.

Work of famous Medellín artist - Fernando Botero
He's famous for portraying all things fat, from animals to women to babies! 

In the night, Mario brought Mafe and I out for dinner, and it reminded me so strongly of home! Maybe more Malaysia. The streets were littered with coffee shops and people and Latin music. Mafe says at 2am deep in the night, people will come out on the streets and start dancing Latin, outside cafes playing classic Latin music. This I have gotta witness! 

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