Thursday, 30 June 2011

Astounding voice

'Slow down, and the things you're chasing will catch up with you.'

There's always been this never-tiring engine inside of me, pushing me to do a million things at one time. I am always trying to say 'yes!!!!' to every opportunity, and packing my life with STUFF. Probably  because life is a never ending list of possibilities to me - the thought alone makes me breathless! I always feel that we should grab every moment, and make the most of fleeting time. 

Sometimes we lose sight of what we're chasing in the midst of the blind chase. It's only 2 and a half months till I leave my home. For three good years. Time to breathe and chill. Have time for what's important. Family. Friends. Me!

And, singapore's crazy food. NOOOOO I'm gonna miss you so much!! 

Cool video of A Korean/Male version of Susan Boyle
(Warning: Your heart might twinge and tear glands might activate) 

Ahh one billion things to do before London!

Wednesday, 22 June 2011


Just had Famine Camp last friday to saturday!

I am really proud of myself, and the 1500 other campers, for being able to starve for 30hours! Being without food made one tired and lethargic, and of course, hungry. Since I usually have like 10 meals a day, I really couldnt stop thinking about F-O-O-D.

BUT of course I couldn't be less than an awesome Facil, and I tried to hype up my 'family' as much as I could. THE BEST FAMILY EVER - MAALE, ETHIOPIA!

My Family - MAALE of ETHIOPIA!! 

When campers were forced to do 7 Wonders

They invited a Mongolian girl! SHE WAS SO VERY CUTE

Stimulating human trafficking

Game: Shoe-shiner. They had to shine shoes for 7mins in stony silence.
This guy is a role-model for all shoe-shiners

Mock funeral ceremony, for those who 'died'  

MAALE again with our mascot! (That standie)

Some campers got a chance to experience Dialogue in The Dark

Two of my family members :D

The food we ate right before the Fast.

Ngee Ann Polytechnic Convention Centre

All the Ethiopian Facilitators!

ALL SO HUNGRY - for a better world

Our breakfast before Fast

Beyond all the hunger pangs, crazy activities and cool ceremonies, there is of course, an underlying message. 'We are hungry, but the children are starving.' It has always struck me how unfair life is, and how lucky we have got it. How privileged we are.

The camp tries to show you what is happening to those poor children in other parts of the world. And even if you are not prompted as of yet to do anything about it, you realize that whatever complaints we might have now, is really nothing to complain about. You get reminded of how beautiful your life is. I have always wanted to be someone who loved and appreciated every minute of my life. And I want to help others from this privileged position of mine.

Well that aside, XINMSN featured 30hour famine camp! And the most AMAZING thing is, they chose to feature ETHIOPIA!!

click on it! I am the one hiding behind my poster saying MAALE. How cool we are. :D

Monday, 13 June 2011

Mediacorp filming

Never thought I would be working on a Sunday! 

Date: 12 June 2011
Time: 1pm
Location: Mediacorp Studios
What: Filming of We Are Singaporeans, last episode! 
Role: Dream representative, Media Excutive! Taking behind the scenes footage..

Add caption

View of all angles in studio

The three contestants from The Noose.
(Jacques aka Jackass is cute!) 

9 Celebrity icons -
Selena Tan, Pierre Png, Cynthia Koh, Kym Ng, Bryan Wong,
Irene Ang, Fastest runner in SG, ST Life editor and a Getai Singer

Enthusiastic audience cued to give standing ovation HAHA

Chidlren starstruck by funny host Hossan Leong 

Jacques sitting inconspicuously in the audience

In the dressing room

Entry into backstage

The coolest thing was whenever recording began, the producer will go 'Everybody cameras and phones all away' and I would be there snapping and shooting away like nobody's business. Woah

And I have to announce something. Because I am not a fangirl and I am such a professional, I resisted the urge to take a photo with Pierre Png!! Ultimate self-control

Thursday, 2 June 2011

Behind The Scenes, Into The Woods TV commercial

I am so stoked! First ever video shot and edited by yours truly!! 

This is the last draft which I am going to post on Dream Academy's FB page, but before I do that, i just wanted to post it on my blog first!! :D 

I feel like I should say a humble Thank you speech to all my supporters out there. I feel like a famous film producer now. 

You must now be dying to watch it. Introducing... 

Behind The Scenes, Into The Woods TV commercial 


Mystery Event

Last Friday, my colleague told me to go to work in black formal work attire, as she is bringing me to an event.

Location: Fullerton hotel
Time: 6pm
Event: ALB Law Awards 2011

It was some super glam law awards ceremony! I felt really out of place because it was a Black Tie event. All the lawyers came in haughtily in their black suits and glam gowns..

Oops. Picture taken from net, this one is 2009, but the one i went to is SIMILAR
Many Many people 

Award presentation
The ceremony turned out to be quite boring actually. Funny to watch the lawyers networking enthusiastically.

It was quite awkward for me until we found that they had a reserved table (just in case of insufficient tables). Due to awesome planning, there was nobody at this table, so we sat there and ate all the magnificent Fullerton ballroom food.

The delightful menu


Wednesday, 1 June 2011

Lion King @ Marina Bay Sands


Woo my first ever musical!!!

Watched it on Thursday, on the day we broke camp! Despite being dead tired, I stumbled all the way to MBS. Was slouching in the chair and falling into slumber, but when the show came on - BAM!

I was wide awake!

Fabulous fabulous fabulous.

The animals.
The costumes.
The songs.
The voices.
The amazing sets.

Being the noob I am, I was enchanted.

MBS theatre is the epitome of class:



Inside the theatre:
We were so far back but IT WAS STILL AMAZING

Amanda and Yu Hui :D

The Lion King shop selling pricey Lion King stuff for Lion King fans:

SIMBA! Favourite character

Many cute toys that cost a bomb

Photo taken from sneaky corner

BW totally ripped off this design
After the show, MBS: 

The flower/orange/cup/white thing


Lovely lovely musical. When I go to London, I'm going to watch one million musicals! Is Broadway in London too? 
