Wednesday 22 June 2011


Just had Famine Camp last friday to saturday!

I am really proud of myself, and the 1500 other campers, for being able to starve for 30hours! Being without food made one tired and lethargic, and of course, hungry. Since I usually have like 10 meals a day, I really couldnt stop thinking about F-O-O-D.

BUT of course I couldn't be less than an awesome Facil, and I tried to hype up my 'family' as much as I could. THE BEST FAMILY EVER - MAALE, ETHIOPIA!

My Family - MAALE of ETHIOPIA!! 

When campers were forced to do 7 Wonders

They invited a Mongolian girl! SHE WAS SO VERY CUTE

Stimulating human trafficking

Game: Shoe-shiner. They had to shine shoes for 7mins in stony silence.
This guy is a role-model for all shoe-shiners

Mock funeral ceremony, for those who 'died'  

MAALE again with our mascot! (That standie)

Some campers got a chance to experience Dialogue in The Dark

Two of my family members :D

The food we ate right before the Fast.

Ngee Ann Polytechnic Convention Centre

All the Ethiopian Facilitators!

ALL SO HUNGRY - for a better world

Our breakfast before Fast

Beyond all the hunger pangs, crazy activities and cool ceremonies, there is of course, an underlying message. 'We are hungry, but the children are starving.' It has always struck me how unfair life is, and how lucky we have got it. How privileged we are.

The camp tries to show you what is happening to those poor children in other parts of the world. And even if you are not prompted as of yet to do anything about it, you realize that whatever complaints we might have now, is really nothing to complain about. You get reminded of how beautiful your life is. I have always wanted to be someone who loved and appreciated every minute of my life. And I want to help others from this privileged position of mine.

Well that aside, XINMSN featured 30hour famine camp! And the most AMAZING thing is, they chose to feature ETHIOPIA!!

click on it! I am the one hiding behind my poster saying MAALE. How cool we are. :D

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