Tuesday 31 May 2011

SECC 2011

Been so busy I haven't had time to update! 

Sheares Exposure Camp ended last Thursday! Physically DRAINING...

Because I was too shagged to even take out my camera during the camp, the photos you see here are koped from Facebook...

The only people I knew before the camp
OG Identity: Super Cool Visors


Dark Paper stood for Darth Vader (wish I could find a photo of our mascot) and we won Best OG WHADDDUP!! At the expense of taking really few photos.. :(

FIRST DAY: Station Games at Sheares
First day was quite normal, had night games and ghosts and water tanks and hoses and stuff. AHH LACK OF PHOTOS the ghosts were good stuff

Second day was madness - station games at Sentosa.

I learnt a new word. Someone would scream 'POND ---!!!!!' and the whole world would suddenly rush forward and sweep the poor dude up and throw him into the ocean. Quite funny to watch!

THIRD DAY: War Games @ West Coast Park

Third day was war games at West Coast Park. Pretty fun and all but it ended with this-

All the freshies cowering in fear. OGLS armed with expired red bull, ketchup, milk, yoghurt, all kinds of disgusting shyte. OGLs gleefully pouring that shyte on us...

We stunk and looked gross but fine one for all and all for one! We rolled our ogl in mud puddles for revenge anyways. His iPhone died. 

The weirdest thing about SECC was something called Secret Pal. Campers were randomly paired (mine was Jack and Rose -.-) and then for two nights we were blindfolded and had to go on blind dates. Then the ogls will make us do dumb stuff like dance/hold hands/feed eachother/lie down...  

Last day: SP Revelation Dinner 
The whole SP thing is weird. 

Did you know NUS camps are sponsored by some government dating agency?? I didn't know Singapore was that desperate.. 

1 comment:

  1. lol dating agency sponsor that is funny, hope you had fun i enjoyed the camp like you though i was so tired after though
